Google 搜尋品質評分者指南是一份 Google 搜尋的官方文件,它的功能是搜尋評分者用來協助評估各種搜尋排名系統的成效,不會直接影響排名。創作者也可以利用這些指南瞭解如何自我評估內容,以便在 Google 搜尋中取得理想成效。歡迎參閱這篇文章,深入瞭解如何建立實用且以使用者為優先的內容。
這篇文章,不只是將這份評估指南中文化,我將盡可能在每一個章節段落,基於文件的內容,寫下我對文件內容的個人觀點,來幫助對 SEO 有興趣的人,能更有效率的理解 Google 對於網頁內容評估的原則,讓大家在製作自己的網頁內容時,不再盲從網路上 SEO 名嘴的意見,而是理解 Google 對於網頁品質的定義,製作出對於人們真正有幫助的內容,同時被 Google 視為高品質的有用內容而得到好的排名。
Table of Contents
General Guidelines Overview
Welcome to the Search Quality Rating Program!
As a Search Quality Rater, you will work on many different types of rating projects. The General Guidelines primarily
cover Page Quality (PQ) rating and Needs Met (NM) rating; however, the concepts are also important for many other
types of rating tasks.
For brevity, we refer to “Search Quality Raters” as “raters” in these guidelines.
Google 對於網頁內容的品質,看起來最主要是基於 2 點,頁面品質(PQ)和需求滿足(NM),頁面品質應該是大家普遍已有的認知,就是內容要有料,但是需求滿足,則是一般人容易忽略的地方,單單內容有料是不夠的,若能解決搜尋者的問題、疑惑,才是有用的內容,例如,光只有解釋名詞可能就不夠好,再加上案例說明,對使用者就會更有幫助,以這份 Google 搜尋品質評分者指南 來說,內容也是穿插了不少的範例說明,這對使用者來說,絕對更能協助使用者了解內容、獲得幫助。
0.0 搜尋體驗
人們出於各種目的搜尋網際網路,從完成快速任務到深入研究某一主題,搜尋可能是長期項目的一部分,例如家庭裝修或度假計劃,當有人感到無聊並尋找娛樂時,可能會進行搜尋,例如搜尋 [有趣的影片]。在一個人生命的關鍵時刻,可能會提出一個單一問題,比如 [心臟病發作的症狀是什麼?]。 搜尋引擎存在是為了幫助人們找到他們在尋找的東西,為此,搜尋引擎必須提供一組多樣而有用的高品質搜尋結果,以最有幫助的方式呈現。 不同類型的搜尋需要非常不同類型的搜尋結果。醫學搜尋結果應該是高品質、有權威性和可靠的,[可愛的嬰兒動物圖片]的搜尋結果應該是可愛的。對於特定網站或網頁的搜尋結果應該在頂部顯示所需的結果。
具有多種可能含義或涉及多種觀點的搜尋需要一組多樣的結果,以反映含義和觀點的自然多樣性。 世界各地的人們使用搜尋引擎;因此,搜尋結果的多樣性對於滿足使用搜尋的人們的多樣性是必不可少的。
Introduction to Search Quality Rating
0.0 The Search Experience
The World Wide Web is a vast collection of online information and content. Internet search engines provide a powerful
way to explore this online universe. There are many ways people search: people may type words into a search box in a
browser, speak to a mobile phone or assistant device, use search engine autocomplete features, etc.
People search the Internet for a variety of purposes, ranging from accomplishing a quick task to researching a topic in
depth. A search may be part of a long-term project, such as a home remodel or vacation planning. A search may be
done when someone is bored and looking for entertainment, such as a search for [funny videos]. A search may be a
single question asked during a critical moment of a person’s life, such as [what are the symptoms of a heart attack?].
Search engines exist to help people find what they are looking for. To do that, search engines must provide a diverse set
of helpful, high quality search results, presented in the most helpful order.
Different types of searches need very different types of search results. Medical search results should be high quality,
authoritative, and trustworthy. Search results for [cute baby animal pictures] should be adorable. Search results for a
specific website or webpage should have that desired result at the top. Searches that have many possible meanings or
involve many perspectives need a diverse set of results that reflect the natural diversity of meanings and points of view.
People all over the world use search engines; therefore, diversity in search results is essential to satisfy the diversity of
people who use search.
Finally, search results should help people. Search results should provide authoritative and trustworthy information, not
lead people astray with misleading content. Search results should allow people to find what they’re looking for, not
surprise people with unpleasant, upsetting, offensive, or disturbing content. Harmful, hateful, violent, or sexually explicit
search results are only appropriate if the person phrased their search in a way that makes it clear that they are looking for
this type of content, and there is no other reasonable interpretation of the words used in their search.
“不同類型的搜尋需要非常不同類型的搜尋結果”,顯然 Google 會分析使用者搜尋的意圖,並將其分類。
“醫學搜尋結果應該是高品質、有權威性和可靠的,[可愛的嬰兒動物圖片]的搜尋結果應該是可愛的”,間接表達了權威性不是適用在所有類型的搜尋,能滿足使用者查詢的網頁內容,才是較優先的條件,也就是 Needs Met (需求滿足)。
0.1 搜尋品質評分的目的
沒有單一的評分能直接影響特定網頁、網站或結果在 Google 搜尋中的顯示方式,也無法使特定網頁、網站或結果在搜尋結果頁上升或下降。使用評分來排列搜尋結果頁上的結果是不可行的,因為人類無法個別評分開放網頁上的每一頁。
0.1 The Purpose of Search Quality Rating
As a Search Quality Rater, you will help evaluate search engine quality around the world. Good search engines give
results that are helpful for people in their own specific language and locale.
No single rating can directly impact how a particular webpage, website, or result appears in Google Search, nor can it
cause specific webpages, websites, or results to move up or down on the search results page. Using ratings to position
results on the search results page would not be feasible, as humans could never individually rate each page on the open
Instead, ratings are used to measure how effectively search engines are working to deliver helpful content to people
around the world. Ratings are also used to improve search engines by providing examples of helpful and unhelpful
results for different searches.
As part of your role in the search quality rating program, it is important that you are familiar with and comfortable using a
search engine. We encourage you to be an expert in search! For example, experiment with using operators (e.g., quotes
or a hyphen) in your searches or try using advanced search options.
即使作為一個評分員,也是無法透過對特定網站給予好的評分而讓該網站得到更好的排名,因為 Google 並不是拿這些評分資料直接作為網站排名的依據,而是拿這些評分資料作為訓練評估網頁內容品質的訓練素材,訓練之後所得到的 AI 模型(有用的內容模型),應該才是排名的眾多系統之一。
0.2 評分員必須代表其評分區域的人們
0.2 Raters Must Represent People in their Rating Locale
It is very important for you to represent people in the locale you evaluate. You must be very familiar with the task language
and location in order to represent the experience of people in your locale. If you do not have the knowledge to do this,
please inform your employer/company.
Unless your rating task indicates otherwise, your ratings should be based on the instructions and examples given in these
guidelines. Ratings should not be based on your personal opinions, preferences, religious beliefs, or political views.
Always use your best judgment and represent the cultural standards of your rating locale.
0.3 瀏覽器要求
0.3 Browser Requirements
Check with your employer/company for browser requirements. You may use helpful browser add-ons or extensions, but
please do not use add-ons or extensions that interfere with or alter the user experience of the page.
0.4 阻擋廣告的擴充元件
0.4 Ad Blocking Extensions
Do not use add-ons or extensions that block ads for Needs Met rating or Page Quality rating. These add-ons or
extensions may cause you to give incorrect ratings. As a rater, only use an ad blocking extension or add-on if specifically
instructed to do so in the project-specific instructions.
0.5 網路安全資訊
● .txt(文本檔案)
● .ppt 或 .pptx(Microsoft PowerPoint)
● .doc 或 .docx(Microsoft Word)
● .xls 或 .xlsx(Microsoft Excel)
● .pdf(PDF 檔案)(Adobe Acrobat)
0.5 Internet Safety Information
In the course of your work, you will visit many different webpages. Some of them may harm your computer unless you are
careful. Please do not download any executables, applications, or other potentially dangerous files, or click on any links
that you are uncomfortable with.
It is strongly recommended that you have antivirus and antispyware protection on your computer. This software
must be updated frequently or your computer will not be protected. There are many free and for-purchase
antivirus and antispyware products available on the web .
See here for a Wikipedia page on antivirus software and here for a Wikipedia page on spyware.
We suggest that you only open files with which you are comfortable. The file formats listed below are generally
considered safe if antivirus software is in place.
● .txt (text files)
● .ppt or .pptx (Microsoft PowerPoint)
● .doc or .docx (Microsoft Word)
● .xls or .xlsx (Microsoft Excel)
● .pdf (PDF files) (Adobe Acrobat)
If you encounter a page with a warning message, such as “Warning-visiting this web site may harm your computer,” or if
your antivirus software warns you about a page, you should not try to visit the page to assign a rating.
0.6 這些指南中的範例的作用
● 網頁和網站變化迅速,因此在大多數範例中,我們使用網頁的圖像或“快照”。
● 由於某些類型的內容難以在“快照”形式中查看,因此為每個範例提供了對網頁的描述。
● 範例中的資訊在增加時是準確的,但內容和網站可能會隨時間變化。
● 一些範例顯示桌面上的頁面,而一些範例顯示行動設備上的頁面。
0.6 The Role of Examples in these Guidelines
The rating concepts in these guidelines apply to all types of content. The examples throughout these guidelines are very
important to illustrate how the concepts defined in each section should be applied in rating tasks for different types of
webpages and different types of content.
Please view each example and keep the following in mind:
● Webpages and websites change rapidly, so we use images or “snapshots” of webpages in most of our examples.
● Because some types of content are difficult to view in “snapshot” form, a description of the webpage is provided
for each example.
● The information in the examples was accurate at the time it was added, but content and websites may change
over time.
● Some examples show pages on desktop and some show pages on mobile devices
1.0 頁面品質評分簡介
頁面品質(PQ)評分任務包括一個 URL 和一個表格,用於在探索登陸頁和與該 URL 相關的網站時記錄您的觀察,PQ 評分的目標是評估頁面達到其目的的程度。
● 在您的評分地區以普通使用者的身份使用網路的經驗。
● 對這些指南的深入了解。
● 最重要的是 – 實踐進行 PQ 評分任務!
1.0 Introduction to Page Quality Rating
A Page Quality (PQ) rating task consists of a URL and a grid to record your observations as you explore the landing page
and the website associated with the URL. The goal of PQ rating is to evaluate how well the page achieves its purpose.
Here’s what you’ll need to be a successful Page Quality rater:
● Your experience using the web as an ordinary user in your rating locale.
● In-depth knowledge of these guidelines.
● And most importantly—practice doing PQ rating tasks!
2.0 了解網頁和網站
2.0 Understanding Webpages and Websites
Page Quality rating requires an in-depth understanding of websites. We’ll start with the basics. Along the way, we’ll share
important information about Page Quality rating, so please read through this section even if you are a website expert!
2.1 重要定義
網頁連接到全球資訊網,可以使用網頁瀏覽器(例如 Chrome)、手機上的瀏覽器或搜尋應用程序進行查看或「訪問」。在 1990 年代,網頁內容主要是文字內容和鏈結,如今,網頁內容包括多種形式的媒體(如圖片、影片等)和功能(如線上購物功能、電子郵件、計算器功能、線上遊戲等)。
URL 是一串字母、數字和標點符號,您的網頁瀏覽器用它來「找到」並顯示網頁,頁面品質評分不需要您深入了解 URL 的結構,即您不需要知道主機、域名等的區別,但如果您有興趣,可以在這裡閱讀更多。
網站是一組通常包含彼此超鏈結並由個人、公司、教育機構、政府或組織提供線上的全球資訊網頁,熱門的網站包括 Facebook、Wikipedia、Yahoo、YouTube 等。
備註:在這些指南中,我們將使用「網站」一詞來指代由單一實體(個人、企業等)擁有和控制的頁面集合,但我們還將使用「網站」一詞來指代一些為實現不同目的而創建的某些網站的主要「獨立」部分(或主機)。例如,Yahoo 網站組織成不同的部分(或主機),如 Yahoo Finance(、Yahoo Mail(、Yahoo Sports(等,每個都有其自己的目的,將這些部分稱為網站是可以的;例如,Yahoo Finance 網站和 Yahoo Sports 網站。您還可以將 Yahoo Finance 或 Yahoo Sports 上的頁面稱為屬於 Yahoo 網站。
一個網站的首頁是該網站的主頁,通常是用戶在網站加載時看到的第一個頁面。例如, 是蘋果網站的首頁, 是雅虎公司網站的首頁, 是雅虎財經的首頁。通常,您可以通過在網站的子頁面上點擊“主頁”鏈結或標誌鏈結來找到網站的首頁。
內容創作者是在網頁上創建內容的個人或實體(企業、組織等)。 重要提示:您必須非常熟悉探索網站,既可以透過點擊鏈結,也可以透過修改網頁瀏覽器網址列中的 URL,成為一位網站偵探和探險者!
2.1 Important Definitions
Here are some important definitions:
A search engine is a tool to help people find or interact with content available on the Internet.
In these guidelines, the word ” user ” refers to a person trying to find information or accomplish a task on the Internet.
Users are people from many different backgrounds, whose experiences and needs may differ from your own: people of all
ages, genders, races, religions, political affiliations, etc.A webpage is connected to the World Wide Web and can be viewed or “visited” using a web browser (e.g., Chrome), a
browser on your phone, or a search app. In the 1990s, webpage content was mostly text and links. Today, webpage
content includes many forms of media (such as images, videos, etc.) and functionality (such as online shopping features,
email, calculator functionality, online games, etc.).A URL is a string of letters, numbers, and punctuation that your web browser uses to “find” and display a webpage. Page
Quality rating doesn’t require you to have in-depth understanding of the structure of URLs, i.e., you don’t need to know the
difference between host, domain, etc. But if you are interested, see here to read more.A website or site is a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to each other and made available
online by an individual, company, educational institution, government, or organization. Popular websites include
Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo, YouTube, etc.
Note : In these guidelines, we will use the word “website” to refer to a collection of pages owned and controlled by
a single entity (individual, business, etc.). But we will also use “website” to refer to major “independent” sections
(or hosts) of some websites that were created to achieve separate purposes. For example, the Yahoo website is
organized into different sections (or hosts), such as Yahoo Finance (, Yahoo Mail
(, Yahoo Sports (, etc. Each of these has its own purpose. It’s OK to refer to
each of these sections as a website; for example, the Yahoo Finance website and the Yahoo Sports website. You
may also refer to pages on Yahoo Finance or Yahoo Sports as belonging to the Yahoo website.A homepage of a website is the main page of the site. It is usually the first page that users see when the site loads. For
example, is the homepage of the Apple site, is the homepage of the Yahoo
company site, and is the homepage of Yahoo Finance. You can usually find the homepage of a
website by clicking on a “home” link or logo link on subpages of a website.A website owner is the person, company, or organization who is responsible for a website.
A content creator is the individual(s) or entity (business, organization, etc.) who created the content on a webpage.
Important : You must be very comfortable exploring websites, both by clicking links and modifying URLs in the address
bar of your web browser. Become a website detective and explorer!
根據以上說明,在某些情況下,子網域的網站(例如會被視為一個完全獨立的網站,如果你的網站需要不同內容類型,例如購物網站與教學部落格,那麼比較建議將他們以子網域的形式程式,若是以子目錄的方式來架設,Google 可能會將它們視為同 一個網站,這對於 Google 在認定網站類型的判定上,可能會造成負面的影響,例如覺得你的網站被歸屬於購物網站或是教學部落格網站,純度都不是那麼高,所以用子網域的形式是比較好的做法。
2.2 理解網頁的目的
為什麼確定網頁目的對於 PQ 評分很重要?
● PQ 評分的目標是確定一個網頁實現其目的的程度,為了進行評分,您必須了解網頁的目的,有時還要了解網站。
● 透過了解網頁的目的,您將更好地了解在評估該特定網頁時哪些標準是重要的。
● 網站和網頁應該是為了幫助人們而建立的,如果不是這種情況,可能應該給予最低評分。稍後將詳細介紹。
重要提示:各種目的和類型的網頁都有最高品質和最低品質的,購物網頁、新聞網頁、論壇網頁、影音網頁、帶有錯誤消息的網頁、PDF、圖片、八卦網頁、笑話網頁、首頁和所有其他類型的網頁都有。頁面的類型不會影響 PQ 評分 – 您必須了解網頁的目的來確定評分。
● 分享有關某一主題的資訊。
● 分享個人對某一主題的經歷、觀點或感受。
● 分享圖片、影片或其他形式的媒體。
● 展示個人的才華或技能。
● 表達意見或觀點。
● 娛樂。
● 提供產品或服務。
● 允許用戶提問,供其他用戶回答。
● 允許用戶共享文件或下載軟體。
這裡有一個例子(OmNomNomNom 網頁),這是一個實用的網頁,其目的並不那麼明顯。乍看之下,這個網頁可能看起來毫無意義或奇怪。然而,這是一個趣味性網站的頁面,鼓勵用戶上傳帶有嘴巴畫在上面的照片,該網頁的目的是為了有趣或藝術表現,儘管該網站的關於頁面並不是很有幫助,但該網站在其常見問題解答(FAQ)頁面上有對自己的說明。
2.2 Understanding the Purpose of a Webpage
The purpose of a page is the reason or reasons why the page was created. Every page on the Internet is created for a
purpose, or for multiple purposes. Most pages are created to be helpful for people, thus having a beneficial purpose.
Some pages are created merely to make money, with little or no effort to help people. Some pages are even created to
harm users. The first step in understanding a page is figuring out its purpose.
Why is it important to determine the purpose of the page for PQ rating?
● The goal of PQ rating is to determine how well a page achieves its purpose. In order to assign a rating, you must
understand the purpose of the page and sometimes the website.
● By understanding the purpose of the page, you’ll better understand what criteria are important to consider when
evaluating that particular page.
● Websites and pages should be created to help people. If that is not the case, a rating of Lowest may be
warranted. More on this later.
As long as the page is created to help people, we will not consider any particular page purpose or type to be higher quality
than another. For example, encyclopedia pages are not necessarily higher quality than humor pages.
Important : There are highest quality and lowest quality webpages of all different types and purposes: shopping pages,
news pages, forum pages, video pages, pages with error messages, PDFs, images, gossip pages, humor pages,
homepages, and all other types of pages. The type of page does not determine the PQ rating—you have to understand
the purpose of the page to determine the rating.Common helpful or beneficial page purposes include (but are not limited to):
● To share information about a topic.
● To share a personal experience, perspective, or feelings on a topic.
● To share pictures, videos, or other forms of media.
● To demonstrate a personal talent or skill.
● To express an opinion or point of view.
● To entertain.
● To offer products or services.
● To allow users to post questions for other users to answer.
● To allow users to share files or to download software.
Here are a few examples where it is easy to understand the purpose of the page:News website homepage – To inform users about recent or important events.
Here is an example (OmNomNomNom Page) of a helpful page where the purpose of the page is not as obvious. At first
Shopping page – To sell or give information about the product.
Video page – To share a cute video of a cat.
Currency converter page – To calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies.
glance, this page may seem pointless or strange. However, it is a page from a humorous site that encourages users to
post photos with mouths drawn on them. The purpose of the page is humor or artistic expression. This page has a
helpful or beneficial purpose. Even though the About page on this website is not very helpful, the website explains itself
on its FAQ page.
延伸來解讀,如果你的商品網頁,含有豐富的商品網頁相關資訊,例如商品的品牌資訊、原料零件、製造日期、有效期限、優點缺點、買家的評價、庫存數、特價期限 .. 等等,達到某種程度的豐富性(不一定要全數都有),仍很有可能被 Google 的演算法視為高品質的網頁,但很多 SEO 名嘴則是建議使用者一定要有原創的文章內容,這樣的解讀有點偏差,原創的文章當然很好,但不是唯一的作法,豐富你的商品頁,也可以得到好的評分。

2.3 你的金錢或生命(YMYL)主題
網際網路上的網頁涵蓋了各種各樣的主題,有些主題存在著高風險,因為有關這些主題的內容可能會對人們的健康、財務穩定或安全,以及社會的福祉產生重大影響。我們將這些主題稱為「你的金錢或生命」,簡稱 YMYL。
● 直接查看或使用內容的人
● 受到查看內容的人影響的其他人
● 受到查看內容的人行為影響的群體或社會
● YMYL健康或安全:可能危害精神、身體和情感健康,或任何形式的安全,如生理安全或網上安全。
● YMYL財務安全:可能損害一個人支持自己和家人的能力的主題。
● YMYL社會:可能對群體產生負面影響,對公眾利益、對公共機構的信任等產生影響。
● YMYL其他:可能傷害人們或對社會的福祉產生負面影響的主題。
主題類型 | 明確的 YMYL 主題 | 可能是 YMYL 主題 | 不是或不太可能是 YMYL 主題 |
資訊 不准確的資訊可能導致重大危害嗎? | 海嘯疏散路線 說明:疏散路線上的不準確資訊可能對人們造成顯著傷害。 | 天氣預報 說明:在大多數情況下,天氣預報略微不準確的訊息通常不會造成傷害。 人們經常會問家人「今天天氣怎麼樣」。 | 音樂獎項得主 說明:這個主題不太可能造成傷害。 |
關於行動的建議 不良建議可能導致重大危害嗎? | 何時前往急診室 說明:有關何時前往急診室的不當建議可能導致重大危害。 | 多久換一次牙刷 說明:這是人們通常與朋友討論的一個輕鬆的健康話題。 稍微不完美的建議不太可能對健康或安全產生重大影響。 | 洗牛仔褲的頻率 說明:這個主題不太可能造成傷害。 |
一個個人意見 這個意見可能對其他人和社會產生什麼影響? | 對某個種族群體為何較低等的個人意見 說明:有關此主題的頁面曾被用來為對某些人群進行暴力行為提供理由或煽動。 | 關於某種運動不好的個人意見 說明:儘管如果運動是極端或冒險的話可能會有健康問題,但大多數有關慢跑和游泳等的討論都涉及個人喜好。 | 對一支搖滾樂隊為何不如其他的個人意見 說明:這個主題不太可能造成傷害,雖然可能涉及強烈的意見! |
關於新聞時事 這個主題可能對人們和社會產生顯著影響嗎? 對於社會影響,請考慮諸如選舉和對受益於社會的公共機構的信任等問題。 | 有關持續暴力事件的新聞 說明:人們需要準確的信息以保持安全。 社會也可能受到有關持續暴力的訊息的影響,因為市民和政府將相應地做出公民決策。 | 有關車禍的新聞 說明:事故本身可能造成了傷害,但在報導中對一個事件進行較小的不準確報導可能很少對未來造成風險。 | 當地高中籃球比賽的新聞 說明:這個主題不太可能造成傷害。 |
在社群媒體上分享 這則社交媒體貼文可能造成顯著傷害嗎? 它可能傷害個人嗎? 如果廣泛分享,它可能損害社會嗎? | 潮汐膠囊挑戰的貼文 說明:這種社群媒體上有害的挑戰導致了死亡。 | 辣醬挑戰 說明:儘管一些人品嚐各種辣醬可能會感到一些不適,但分享這樣的挑戰不太可能造成重大傷害。 | 音樂影片 說明:這類內容通常很少有危害的風險。 |
電子商務和商品評論 思考商品,該商品可能造成顯著傷害嗎? | 購買處方藥物 說明:處方藥物有潛在的危害,需要從有執照的藥局購買。 | 汽車評論 說明:雖然汽車是一筆大開支,但許多人會向朋友和家人詢問有關汽車的意見。 | 購買鉛筆 說明:鉛筆和其他日常用品不太可能造成危害。 |
如果您在判斷一個主題是否屬於 YMYL 時感到困惑,請考慮以下問題:
- 一個謹慎的人是否會尋求專家或高度信任的來源以防止危害?即使是輕微的不準確性也可能導致危害嗎?如果是,那麼該主題可能是 YMYL。
- 具體的主題是否是大多數人只需輕鬆諮詢朋友的事情?如果是,該主題可能不是 YMYL。 重要提示:對於關於清晰 YMYL 主題的頁面,我們設有非常高的網頁質量評分標準,因為在這些主題上的低質量網頁可能會對個人的健康、財務穩定性、安全性,或社會的福祉和健康產生潛在的負面影響。
2.3 Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Topics
Pages on the World Wide Web are about a vast variety of topics. Some topics have a high risk of harm because content
about these topics could significantly impact the health, financial stability, or safety of people, or the welfare or well-being
of society. We call these topics “Your Money or Your Life” or YMYL.YMYL topics may significantly impact or harm one or more of the following:
● the person who is directly viewing or using the content
● other people who are affected by the person who viewed the content
● groups of people or society affected by the actions of people who viewed the contentYMYL topics can directly and significantly impact people’s health, financial stability or safety, or the welfare or well-being
of society, because of the following reasons:
● The topic itself is harmful or dangerous . For example, there is clear and present harm directly associated with
topics related to self-harm, criminal acts, or violent extremism.
● The topic could cause harm if the content is not accurate and trustworthy . For example, mild inaccuracies
or content from less reliable sources could significantly impact someone’s health, financial stability, or safety, or
impact society, for topics like: symptoms of a heart attack, how to invest money, what to do if there is an
earthquake, who can vote, or needed qualifications for obtaining a driver’s license.To determine whether a topic is YMYL, assess the following types of harm that might occur:
● YMYL Health or Safety : Topics that could harm mental, physical, and emotional health, or any form of safety
such as physical safety or safety online.
● YMYL Financial Security : Topics that could damage a person’s ability to support themselves and their families.
● YMYL Society : Topics that could negatively impact groups of people, issues of public interest, trust in public
institutions, etc.
● YMYL Othe r: Topics that could hurt people or negatively impact welfare or well-being of society.It’s possible to imagine a hypothetical harmful page for any non-harmful topic, such as the science behind rainbows or
shopping for pencils: for either of these topics, someone could build a page that has a malicious computer virus download.
However, for a specific topic to be YMYL, the topic itself must potentially impact people’s health, financial stability, or
safety, or the welfare or well-being of society.Many or most topics are not YMYL and do not require a high level of accuracy or trust to prevent harm . Because YMYL
assessment is a spectrum, it may be helpful to think of topics as clear YMYL , definitely not YMYL or something in
between. Pages on clear YMYL topics require the most scrutiny for Page Quality rating.
Type of Topic | Clear YMYL Topic | May be YMYL Topic | Not or Unlikely YMYL Topic |
Information Could significant harm result from inaccurate information? | Evacuation routes for a tsunami Explanation : Inaccurate information on evacuation routes could cause significant harm to people. | Weather forecast Explanation : In most situations, slightly inaccurate information about the weather forecast will not cause harm. People often ask family members “what’s the weather today”. | Music award winners Explanation : This topic is unlikely to cause harm. |
Advice about an activity Could significant harm result from poor advice? | When to go to the emergency room Explanation : Bad advice on when to go to the emergency room could cause significant harm. | How often to replace a toothbrush Explanation : This is a casual health topic people commonly discuss with friends. A slightly imperfect suggestion is unlikely to significantly impact health or safety. | How frequently to wash jeans Explanation : This topic is unlikely to cause harm. |
A personal opinion What impact could this opinion have on other people and society? | Personal opinion about why a racial group is inferior Explanation : Pages on this topic have been used to justify or incite violence against groups of people. | Personal opinion about why an exercise is inferior Explanation : While there may be a health concern if the exercise is extreme or risky, most discussions of jogging vs swimming, etc. involve personal preference. | Personal opinion about why a rock band is inferior Explanation : This topic is unlikely to cause harm, although there may be strong opinions involved! |
News about current events Could this topic significantly impact people and society? For societal impact, consider issues such as elections and trust in public institutions that benefit society. | News about ongoing violence Explanation : People need accurate information to stay safe. Society may also be impacted by information about ongoing violence, as citizens and governments make civic decisions accordingly. | News about a car accident Explanation : The accident itself may have been harmful, but there is likely little risk of future harm from small inaccuracies in reporting about an incident. | News about a local high school basketball game Explanation : This topic is unlikely to cause harm. |
Sharing on social media Could the social media post cause significant harm? Could it hurt individuals? Could it damage society if widely shared? | A tide pod challenge post Explanation : This harmful social media challenge was responsible for deaths. | A hot sauce challenge Explanation : While some people may experience some discomfort by tasting various hot sauces, it is unlikely that sharing about such challenges would cause significant harm. | A music video Explanation : This type of content generally has little risk of harm. |
Online commerce and product reviews Consider the product. Could the product cause significant harm? | Purchasing prescription drugs Explanation : Prescription drugs have the potential to cause harm and require purchase from licensed pharmacies. | Review of a type of car Explanation : While cars are big purchases, many people ask friends and family about cars. | Purchasing pencils Explanation : Pencils and other everyday items are unlikely to cause harm. |
If you are having trouble deciding whether a topic is YMYL, consider the following questions:
- Would a careful person seek out experts or highly trusted sources to prevent harm ? Could even minor
inaccuracies cause harm? If yes, then the topic is likely YMYL.- Is the specific topic one that most people would be content with only casually consulting their friends about? If
yes, the topic is likely not YMYL.
Important : For pages about clear YMYL topics, we have very high Page Quality rating standards because low quality
pages on such topics could potentially negatively impact a person’s health, financial stability, or safety, or the welfare or
well-being of society.
2.4 瞭解網頁內容
網頁上的所有內容都可以分為以下三種類型:主要內容(MC)、補充內容(SC)或廣告/盈利內容(Ads)。為了瞭解網頁的目的並進行 PQ 評分,您需要能夠區分這些頁面上的不同部分。
2.4 Understanding Webpage Content
All of the content on a webpage can be classified as one of the following: Main Content (MC), Supplementary Content
(SC), or Advertisements/Monetization (Ads). In order to understand the purpose of a webpage and do PQ rating, you will
need to be able to distinguish among these different parts of the page.
Webpage design can be complicated, so make sure to click around and explore the page. See what kind of content is
behind the tabs and test out the interactive page features. Content behind the tabs may be considered part of the MC,
SC, or Ads, depending on what the content is.
2.4.1 識別主要內容(MC)
網頁類型和目的 | 主要內容以黃色標示 |
新聞網站首頁:目的是向用戶通報最近或重要的事件。 | MC – 新聞網站首頁 |
新聞文章頁面:目的是傳達有關事件或新聞主題的訊息。 | MC – 新聞文章頁面 |
電商產品頁面:目的是出售或提供有關產品的資訊。 ● 在評論、運送和安全訊息標籤後面的內容被視為主要內容的一部分。 | MC – 電商產品頁面 |
貨幣匯率查詢頁面:目的是計算不同貨幣的轉換金額。 | MC – 貨幣匯率查詢頁面 |
部落格文章頁面:目的是分享在電視節目中使用的音樂。 | MC – 部落格文章頁面 |
搜尋引擎首頁:目的是讓用戶輸入查詢並搜尋網路資訊。 | MC – 搜尋引擎首頁 |
銀行登入頁面:目的是讓用戶登入網路銀行。 | MC – 銀行登入頁面 |
2.4.1 Identifying the Main Content (MC)
Main Content is any part of the page that directly helps the page achieve its purpose. MC can be text, images, videos,
page features (e.g., calculators, games), and it can be content created by website users, such as videos, reviews, articles,
comments posted by users, etc. Tabs on some pages lead to even more information (e.g., customer reviews) and can
sometimes be considered part of the MC.
The MC also includes the title at the top of the page (example). Descriptive MC titles allow users to make informed
decisions about what pages to visit. Helpful titles summarize the MC on the page.
Type of Page and Purpose | MC Highlighted in Yellow |
News website homepage: the purpose is to inform users about recent or important events. | MC – News Homepage |
News article page: the purpose is to communicate information about an event or news topic. | MC – News Article |
Store product page: the purpose is to sell or give information about the product. ● Content behind the Reviews, Shipping, and Safety Information tabs are considered to be part of the MC. | MC – Shopping Page |
Currency converter page: the purpose is to calculate equivalent amounts in different currencies. | MC – Currency Converter |
Blog post page: the purpose is to share music used on a TV show. | MC – Blog Post Page |
Search engine homepage: the purpose is to allow users to enter a query and search the Internet. | MC – Search Engine Homepage |
Bank login page: the purpose is to allow users to log in to bank online. | MC – Bank Login Page |
開源電商創辦人,投入購物網站建置工程技術,至今已累計有 20 年的經驗,建置服務超過 1000 個網站,為台灣最專業的 OpenCart 技術專家。